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Methods of Use of Cylinders of the Pharaoh

     If you contact with the Cylinders of the Pharaoh for the first time then to prepare the organism it is recommended to use them in "hand-foot" position (see "Manual"). Then you can use the method your organism require.

The basic rules:

     а) "Pharaoh pose" - hold Solar (copper) Cylinder in the right hand, Lunar (zinc) - in the left, not vice versa.

     b) Face the sun if possible.

     c) During sessions any other metals (ornament, zipper, belt-buckles) except Cylinders should not be in contact with a body.

Basic (individual) method:
("Pharaoh pose"):

     а) Tightly compressing the Cylinders of the Pharaoh and lowering hands along a body, stand facing the sun, sticking out the left leg half-step ahead.

     b) Reject all ideas or concentrate them on the Sun, gifting the boon and light to all being. Smile to this pleasure, weaken your muscles, lower shoulders, weaken muscles of you face, but let the smile remain inside you.

     c) Remain in this position for at least 5-10 minutes.

     d) You can use the Cylinders sitting or lying with the Cylinders in hands, but don't put your hands or legs together and don't cross them.

Objective (pair) method:

     Is applied to restoration of mutual understanding; harmonisation of interrelations and strengthening of the family ties. Take hands, then take Solar Cylinder in free right hand and Lunar - in the left hand.

     The researches of this method have shown the presence of flows of energy from more strong individual to weaker one without damage to the strong one.

Some factors, strengthening efficiency of influence of Cylinders of the Pharaoh:

     а) Standing barefoot on ground during a session (but only in windless weather).

     b) Realisation of sessions in ecologically clean place.


     there are other ways and methods of use of Cylinders of the Pharaoh. The most effective technique is developed by doctor of bioenergetics Т.А. Meshkova. According to researches of doctor Stonea and Richard Gordon on a surface of our body there is some distribution of electrostatic charges. Painful deviations of organism's normal work affect at once the specified distribution of charges. Hanging upon electrodynamical properties of the Cylinders Т.А. Меshkova recommends a certain sequence of their contact with various sites of a body, that allows to correct the work of internal organs (see T.A. Meshkova "Manual").

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